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Motivational Life Coach Life Coaching by Doris
Mission: To Encourage You to Be All That You Can Be. "God intended for you to be great. Don't disappoint Him." Doris Newnam
Working to make a difference.
What is Life Coaching?
Life Coaching is the ability to communicate and access the needs and challenges of a client in order to help him or her move forward to a desired state or goal. And then to encourage, suggest, be supportive, help keep him or her on the right path, cheering him or her on to success whether in working to achieve business goals, or for personal achievements.
Life consistantly throws us curve balls and challenges. Sometimes we just need someone in our corner to cheer us on, to help us sort through the details of a crisis, to help us create a plan of action for reaching a desired goal, or even someone to just tell our troubles to when there seems to be no where else to turn.
Actually, the reasons one might want the services of a Life Coach are rather limitless. I dare say that most people are at least somewhat familiar with a Football, or Baseball, or any other type of sports Coach. Obvouisly, the players know how to play the game or they would not be on the team. In the most basis terms, the coach is there to coordinate, instruct, help plan winning strategies, and to be sure that each player is performing to the best of his or her abilities.
As your Life Coach, my job will be to assess your reasons for seeking out my services, and then basically to suggest possible solutions and goals, along with establishing a plan of action. I will then strive to guide, support, keep you on track, and cheer you on as we work together as a team toward your desired achievement.
How May I Assist You?
Categories of Interest...
- Weight Loss
- Weight Gain
- Weight Control
- Divorce
- Relationships
- Family Illness
- Bereavement
- Loneliness
- Behavorial Modification
- Smoking Cessation
- Around the Office: Efficiency, Attitudes
- Improving Work Performance
- Scheduling
- Organizing
- Staying Focused
- Business Goals
- Personal Goals
- Budgeting
- Event Planning
- Aspiring Authors: Writing, Editing, Publishing
- Musicians: Encouragement, Motivation, Time Out Relaxation
- Other....
In Person Appointments May Be Arranged for Clients in the Waco and Surrounding Central Texas Area.
"MOTIVATION" by Doris Newnam
"This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it."
Psalm 118:24
Thank You.
Doris Newnam
Master Life Coach
Certified Life Coach by American University of NLP
Certified Master Life Coach by American University of NLP
Certified NLP Practitioner by American University of NLP
Life Coach Certificate Master Life Coach Certificate
NLP Practitioner Certificate
American University of NLP